Sunday, April 27, 2014

A brief note on "so called Armenian claims of genocide"

A brief note on "so called Armenian claims of genocide"

Turks of Republic of Azerbaijan, South Azerbaijan (under Iranian control), and Turkey were massacred more than one time in the last two hundred years. Due to the lack of information Turkish side mostly western people are not aware of the real facts about history of the region. In the other hand Armenian Diaspora is one of the most powerful lobbies in the world and their lobby activities are very popular and somehow favored by some western and European countries. They use Journalism, media and business in furthering their agenda of spreading miss-information in the west. Lack of verifiable information, adds to the complexity of the situation.
In contrary to the Armenian propaganda, the information supporting the idea of massacre of Turks in the hands of Armenians exists in archives of countries like Russia, Iran and Turkey. Recently only few documents from Russian archives exposed the systematic killings of “Muslims of the region” i.e. Turks in the same time period which is alleged by Armenian massacre screamers. According to the documents, intoxicated by the idea of creating “The Great Armenia” and equipped by Russian and French weaponry and with the blessings of Greeks, Armenians and specifically “Dashnak” simply were committing the first modern ethnic cleansing of this century in our villages and towns. Innocent and defenseless villagers and townspeople of the region in attempt of defending their homes did resist the Armenian aggression. Although they were not armed like their aggressors but with agricultural equipments and whatever they could get their hands on they resisted. In the face of overwhelming power of Armenian forces and sheer barbarism demonstrated by Armenian Dashnaks, hundreds of thousands of Turks and other Muslims of the region were mercilessly killed.
Evaluating the shift of power from Turkish Qajars and Turkish Ottomans to Russians in the region, the real culprits of atrocities and massacres started posing as victim and. April 24, the day of so called Armenian genocide, is the obvious example of such a fabrication in the recent history of our region.
The great Armenia is the dream of the Armenian people since 19 century. Western powers supported this dream and they draws the borders of great Armenia in 1920 by Sevres treaty. In the last hundreds and fifty years Russian and Armenian expansionism in the region resulted in millions of death and destruction. A brief look at the present situation of Grozny and Khojali is enough to see the level of inhumanity Russians and Armenians are capable of. Both cities like other occupied cities of the region are totally destroyed, defending civilians are killed, women are raped, children are mutilated, and spirit of the people is humiliated.
For anyone who bothers to know, at the present time, since the collapse of Soviet Union, over 20% percent of the Republic of Azerbaijan is under Armenian occupation. People of the occupied areas of Azerbaijan were systematically driven out of their lands. In the process of this ethnic cleansing tens of thousands of people are killed, tortured, raped, burned alive. The stories of this genocide are so horrible, one can’t believe if human being is capable of such atrocities.
Today in the 21st century we as Canadians should not blindly fall in the trap of the wrong information provided by only and only Armenian side and their sympathizers. Let’s not forget April 08. 1982, when members of Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) opened fire on Turkish Embassy Commercial Attaché, Mr. Kani Gungor, as he entered the garage of his apartment complex. The following day ASALA issued a statement, "We warn the Canadian authorities that any attempt to persecute the Armenian community in Canada will not pass without punishment." Mr. Gungor is left paralyzed by the shooting. Five Canadian Armenian ASALA members - Nicholas Moumdjian, Haroutium Kevork, Haig Balian, Haig Karkhanian, and Melkon Karakhanian - were arrested and convicted later. Lets not forget March 12. 1985, when ASALA gunmen, two Syrian-born - Kevork Marachelian and Ohannes Noubarian - and one Lebanese-born Rafi Panos Titizian, storm the Turkish Embassy, killing a Pinkerton security guard in the entryway to the complex. Turkish Ambassador Coskun Kirca escapes by leaping from the second floor window at the back of the embassy, breaking his right arm, right leg and pelvis. The gunmen then take 12 people hostage, including the Ambassador's wife, Bilge Coskun, teenage daughter and three children. Four hours later, the gunmen, who come to be called the "Ottawa Three" surrender to Pinkerton law enforcement officers.
We are optimistic. The future will be with those who are righteous and just. In the light of unbiased investigations and researches of history of the late 19th and early 20th century of the region the truth will come forth. Only then the souls of hundreds of thousand of Turks who were massacred by Armenian barbarism will rest in peace.
Oğuz Türk

Thursday, April 10, 2014

"Iran is not Persia"

"Iran is not Persia"

People of the country called Iran now, is not a homogeneous one. The common misconception about Iran is that of a Persia. Yet, what is Iran now, is not what was Persia previously. Obviously Persia would be areas that Persians would live or constitute a majority for a while. Even though the word Iran was in use in Persian and region's literature sporadically, it never denoted a political entity, and always stayed as an unspecified geographical area. From 1938, it was that, the usurper of the Qajar crown, and self claimed shah, Reza Pahlavi asked the other nations to start using the name Iran instead of Persia. This was, of course by the advises of the intellectuals of the new wave of Arianism and Persian racism that was flourishing in the beginning of 1900s in the region, similar and parallel to Nazi ideology in Germany.
Unfortunately for the non-Persian majority of the region, almost exactly when the tools of mass information sharing, even though primitive in today's scale, such as modern schools, mass production of books thanks to new machines of press, news papers, telegraph, telex telephone, radio, TV, were just starting to take foot in the region. This paradigm shift in the technology, in the region, doubled and tripled in strength by tools of mass transportation like trains, buses, and cars, and planes. All of these combined with the accord of pertinent world powers of that time, and billions of dollars of oil and gas revenue, gave a great momentum to development of a new, aggressive, revengeful, and racist ultra nationalism for Persians of the country left and inherited from Qajar empire.
In the last 100 years, world know of Iran as land of Persians, with 2500 years of Persian civilization, which was victim of Arab and Turco-Mongolian invasions, but, and source of oil, gas, and Persian rug. This is a complete false perception, based on fabricated and invented history books, fakes, falsehood, bribery, and thievery. Almost what the world knows about Iran, has roots in the bloody dollars of oil and gas, and unimaginable oppression by Iranian security forces, and multilayered secret services, both in the time of Shahs, and in the time of Mollahs.
After the collapse of the Qajar empire, and in the early of 1900s, Persians or Persian speaking population of the country which was called “Protected countries of Iran”, would not accede 20 percent. Now after almost 100 years, and after mass assimilation of non-Persians to Persians, based of Iranian government's official documents, the Persian speaking population would border 30 percent. The rest would be South Azerbaijani Turks, Al Ahwazi Arabs, Turkmens, Baluchs, Kurds, Qashqayi Turks, and many other non-Persian population of so called Iran.
All non-Persian majority people of Iran are suffering under great oppression by Iran-Persian centered state ideology of Iran. In the last 100 years, there was no decade that went without uprising against Iranian-Persian occupation and domination. In the last 100 years, the Persian dominance is standing upon blood of millions of South Azerbaijani Turks, Al Ahwazi Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Qashqaies and Baluchs. Persian dominance is only achieved by mass arrests, tortures, destruction of land, families, exiles, killings, aerial bombardments, artificial deprivations and poverty in every aspect of human life, from intellectuals to freedom of using a mother tongue, to bread and clean water.
Persians too suffered. Persians, while enjoying their first class citizenship, while mocking and poking fun at the way non-Persian were trying to blend in and be Persianized, while enjoying artificial flourishing of their language, their culture, their made up history, and their glorified past being taught in the school as a official history texts, while all this was happening, they were dehumanized just like their non-Persian subjects. Persians are envied and hated by non-Persians in Iran. Their resources too, as a people are wasted on trying to create the great Iran, with all of the Persian past of so called and fabricated Sassanids or achaemenids, of Cyrus and Darius. Billions of dollars of resources of persians and non-Persians are spent, millions of Persians and non-Persians are perished in order to create and maintain a country that is not a one. “Iran is not Persian”. There can't be any cohesiveness in the texture of the society in Iran, if the very and basic human and national rights of nations living in Iran are not recognized. Iran is falling apart, because it was never a centralized and persianized system to begin with. If such a remote possibility that could be considered for Iran, as federalism, full and final national rights of all peoples should be secured. But, the fact is that the recent borders of Iran is crossing just in the midst of nations living in the region. Persians are being almost in the center, with not much natural and energy resources are tapping and milking on South Azerbaijan, Al Ahwaz, and other non-Persians who have their brethren in other side of border. A brief look at the present map of Iran will reveal that Baluchs, Turkmens, Arabs, Kurds, and Azerbaijani Turks are just living divided by the artificial borders of Iran.
The time of big empires has come and gone. No nation should govern other nation, either by consent or by force. The time for Iran to let go of peoples has come. Iran is the prison of peoples. The time to demolish and break free has come. Non-Persian nations living under Iranian occupation want to govern themselves. Self determination and self governance is every nation's right. International laws and norms support this right. The best alternative for an nuclear Iran equipped with the most barbaric and archaic and apocalyptic ideologies of the world, Shia-Islam, is to understand, recognize, respect, and assist nations who want to break free from the prison called Iran.
Oguz Turk

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

South Azerbaijan supports Baluch people's struggle for independence,

On August 4, 1947, a tripartite agreement was signed between Pakistan, the British and Balochistan, called The Standstill Agreement, in which the sovereign status of Balochistan was accepted. The Khan declared Balochistan independent on August 11, 1947, three days before the independence of Pakistan.

On March 26, 1948, the Pakistan Army was ordered to move into the Baloch coastal region of Pasni, Jiwani and Turbat. This was the first act of aggression prior to the march on Kalat by a Pakistani military detachment on April 1, 1948. Kalat capitulated on March 27 after the army moved into the coastal region and it was announced in Karachi that the Khan of Kalat has agreed to merge his state with Pakistan. Under the Constitution of Kalat, the Khan was not authorized to take such a basic decision. The Balochistan Assembly had already rejected any suggestion of forfeiting the independence of Balochistan on any pretext. The sovereign Baloch state after British withdrawal from India lasted only 227 days.

A meeting was held in Toronto to protest Balochistan's forced annexation through illegal military invasion on March 27, 1948 by Pakistan. In this meeting, among representatives of other nations, from South Azerbaijani Independence Party, Oğuz Türk, supporting Baluch nations struggle for independence, emphasized the importance of independence for nations under occupation of Iran and Pakistan.

South Azerbaijan is an occupied land,

South Azerbaijan is an occupied land,

As many nations in the last century gained their independence, Azerbaijan was deprived of the very right of self governance in the north by Russian occupation, namely Soviet Union, and in the south by Iranian-Persian regime of Pahlavies and then the Islamic terrorist government of Iran. Over 30 million South Azerbaijani Turks are living under heavy regime of occupation. All and every national and individual rights are undermined and diminished. As if Turks of South Azerbaijan are left with only two choices; to accept systematic Persification and become a second grade citizen in their own land under Persian masters, or face random arrests, tortures, exile or death.
South Azerbaijan as a land, and Turks as a people in Iran are under threat. In the last 100 years, South Azerbaijan has been divided to many provinces under different names, names of cities, villages, rivers, mountains, and areas are changed from original Turkish names to Persian. Deliberate neglect and destruction of the land has gone to the extent that the land is not productive, the Lake Urmu is dried up, and poverty and misery looms over the land.
The dire situation of the lakes and rivers in the land, and destruction of the infrastructure resulted in poverty in the economic, cultural, and other aspects of life in South Azerbaijan. This caused a massive migration of South Azerbaijani Turks to other areas of Iran, or to other countries in order to sustain a simple and normal course of life, yet adding to more assimilation.
Occupied South Azerbaijan, for the reasons mentioned above, has been a volatile region, with many uprisings and struggle against Iran-Persian control, and heavy handed oppression, massacres, and military solutions. Uprisings in 1920s, 1940s, 1980s, and recent “movement” is always treated with more harshness, and more suppression. At the present time there are hundreds of South Azerbaijani human right activists are kept illegally under arrest, thousands have their or their relatives house under surety, so they can not participate in any actions deemed harmful to the security of the regime. There are millions who left their home and living in self or government imposed exiles.
The mandatory education in Persian and prohibition of Turkish from education and media, in the last 100 year have produced many millions of South Azerbaijani Turks who have great identity crises built in their psych. Many Persianized Turks are in the positions of power in regional or in a greater level, acting as the gate keepers for the occupying Iranian forces. Some would be he mouthpieces of the regime, in denying the truth and facts in the prison of people called Iran. Iranian foreign minister in his recent trip to neighboring Turkey mentioned that; over 40 percent of Iran is Turkish. This was to appease the Turkish officials. Even the official documents by Iran would establish the fact that the majority of so called Iran is of a Turkish speaking and Turkish descent.
The fact that Persians are a minority and Turks are a majority in the country of Iran, did not and will not change the real necessity for the basic national and human rights of South Azerbaijani Turks to govern themselves, and enjoy the independence and freedom as their brethren in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the north or Turkey in the west.
South Azerbaijani Independence Party, (SAIP) officially established in 2004, is in struggle for national right of South Azerbaijan for independence. SAIP is the most active organization in exile, with strong affiliation with South Azerbaijanis under Iranian occupation, with offices and members in many countries in Europe, US, and Canada. Completely self sustained and member supported, SAIP has not enjoyed any assistance from any foreign source until now. While there is ever-increasing oppression against fellow Azerbaijanis in Iran, SAIP's limited actions in organizing protests and public events inside and outside South Azerbaijan is not sufficient.
Iran is the real source of instability in the region and world. This fact is admitted by many political institutions and leaders of the world. With the worst human right records among world countries, with the heavy militarization in nuclear and delivery mechanism, threatening the neighbors and world's peace, with the most elusive and cunning foreign policies, with the most barbaric, archaic and inhuman ideologies in the world, Yes, Iran is the threat to the world peace and stability. We would like to emphasize the fact that the most effective and practical way to reduce or eliminate this great threat is by understanding the importance of proximity of Turkey, the divided land of Azerbaijan, the republic of Azerbaijani in the north and occupied South Azerbaijan under Iran. The fact that South Azerbaijani is like a time bomb against Iranian occupation. There is a great accumulated dissent against Iran-Persian rule in South Azerbaijan, seen by millions in the street of Tabriz, Urmu, and other cites of South Azerbaijan, when they simply defy Iran, and declare that they are Turks. The banner which said “South Azerbaijan Is Not Iran” displayed in soccer matches by activists in English, was a clear message to the world, about the real situation in there.
We hope our friends of freedom and democracy in the world to hear our people's clear and loud message, and not to abandon us in the fight against occupation, oppression, and gross human rights violations of terrorist regime of Iran.
Oguz Turk